Well, wasn’t expecting this…

I rebooted my laptop, and it keeps booting to the grub shell.

I was going to arch-chroot into it and update grub, and rebuild intarimfs, however, I guess I don’t know how to with BTRFS subvolumes that are LUKS encrypted.

I would appreciate any help, and am willing to learn.

I could even jump on a call of some kind if anyone has time to help…


BTRFS encrypted with LUKS (No LVM)


I live booted into the live usb

cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1p2 arch
mount /dev/mapper/arch /mnt
arch-chroot /mnt


mount: /mnt/proc: mount point does not exist
dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.
=> ERROR: failed to setup chroot /mnt

So I browsed /mnt and it lists subvolumes. However, I am not sure how to go about arch-chrooting into this.

  • @kitnaht
    67 months ago

    Hell yeah dude. Props for the solution! We need more things like this for search engines to index so that less people rely on centralized places like Reddit.

    • Hellmo_luciferrariOP
      27 months ago

      I am fully with you!

      Thank you! Wish I was the one who figured it out. I am just sharing what was taught to me!

      That is exactly the reason I joined Lemmy, to ditch centralization.