      87 months ago

      But if Satan is all powerful then God is not, as God could not hold power over Satan.

      • @Hawke
        27 months ago

        But if god is omnipotent then satan is not, as satan could not hold power over god.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      My understanding is that God is big on free will, including for the angels. Angel wants to fall and be the lord of darkness? Whatever, go for it.

      My own interpretation of God and Satan, which is highly limited by what I learned about the Bible when I was a kid — and thus may be extremely incorrect — is that Satan viewed God’s “requirements” of being “good” to gain eternal life in heaven to be paradoxical to free will. Following God means not making decisions for yourself. So Satan represents the rebel, the true free will, with no regard to God’s plan or will.

      But there’s a trick, I think: choose to follow the path of “good.” Don’t follow God’s plan because you have to but because you want to.

      This resolves the problem and Satan can go back to being “good.”

      I view this all symbolically and as a metaphor for how each of us confront and balance our individuality and selfish interests with harmony and collective good.