Steven van de Velde, the Dutch beach volleyball player who served time in prison for rape, received a mixture of boos and applause when he was introduced before his opening match on Sunday at the Paris Games.

Van de Velde was greeted with only a handful of boos when he first took the sand for warmups, but the hooting was louder for the more formal pre-match introduction. His teammate Matthew Immers – and all the other players appearing at the Eiffel Tower Stadium so far in the Summer Games – received nothing but cheers.

  • @Passerby6497
    246 months ago

    I thought the Olympics took ethics very seriously.

    They still let Russian athletes compete even after multiple issues with doping, just not under their own flag (wink wink).

    Also the ioc is notoriously corrupt AF.

    • Flying Squid
      56 months ago

      I just think it’s funny that they make this big deal about ethics and actually don’t give a shit about it. But hey, they all swear an oath!