Reposting here from Reddit, courtesy of Holosun_Josh.

—ORIGINAL POST— We listened to feedback from the community regarding the digital button system we had previously shown at Shot Show and have updated the overall design to a much simpler dual switch system.

There is more testing to be done this week but we are nearing the finish line and are excited to get these into peoples hands here soon.


  1. ⁠Visible Green Laser
  2. ⁠Infrared Illuminator
  3. ⁠Infrared Laser
  4. ⁠Infrared Laser + Infrared Illuminator


  1. ⁠Off
  2. ⁠Low
  3. ⁠High

DIMENSIONS: 3.2x1.97x1.34 in. WEIGHT: 6.35oz

  • @N1ghtstalk3rOPM
    8 months ago

    It’s looking good so far.

    I’m personally hoping it can compete or come close to DBAL D2 territory as far as the illuminator is concerned.

    Here’s a look at the IRIS mounted on a rifle: