• @Stovetop
    92 months ago


    Nothing against Kelly, and nothing against the state of Pennsylvania, but I’d rather free up a Democrat-held governorship of a single state than a Democrat-held senator seat in congress, which is already at razor thin margins.

    Both Arizona and Pennsylvania are swing states, so I can only consider which option I’d be least thrilled to see a Republican fill the vacancy since there would be a good chance of that happening in either situation.

    • @halcyoncmdr
      42 months ago

      The Arizona Senate seat would be filled by the Governor for the remainder of the current session. The current governor is a Democrat, but even if she was not, AZ law requires the appointment to be from the same party.

      The seat has no chance of changing hands until the next regular election either way.

      • swab148
        42 months ago

        Kelly being VP would actually trigger a special election in 2026.

        • @halcyoncmdr
          52 months ago

          Kelly’s seat is up for reelection in 2026 regardless. He was elected in 2020 and Senate seats are 6 year terms.