Old article, but think it bears repeating. If anyone reading is still confused about the contrast between these two candidates, go and spend 5 minutes reading the comments on patriots.win

The gap of mental states between parties is unfathomable.

  • @mightyfoolish
    37 months ago

    Trump is a flaming malignant narcissistic psycho- and sociopath and malignant liar. To not be able to see that, you must share some of the same traits.

    Among other things such as rapist and criminal. Yet, he’s able to walk free and literally become the focus of THREE elections instead of you know actual issues! Where I live, two out-of-city companies own most of the single family homes up for rent; enjoying the slumlord lifestyle to the detriment of everyone else.

    I said it earlier, Republicans have an opposition based moral system. They just pick something everyone else hates and cling to it. However, letting Trump be some force to overcome has inflated his ego and is making him a “hero for the conservative cause”. His momentum is media hype.