So pissed rn

  • @SupraMario
    17 months ago

    Why? Because you’re delusional enough to think that you should give up your right to defend/arm yourself? While a literal fascist is trying to take power?

    The ignorance from anti-2a people is astounding.

      • @SupraMario
        27 months ago

        I’m not mad, just think it’s hilarious how naive/delusional you and others like you are. You’re a walking irony. You want the police to protect you, but not because they’re tyrants…you want the gov to protect you but not because they’re fascist… it’s kinda sad.

        • @[email protected]
          07 months ago

          Don’t put words in my mouth. I haven’t given you anything about me, so don’t assume you know me. You know what happens when you assume

          • @SupraMario
            -27 months ago

            Naa I know plenty about anti-2a people like you. You’re all the same. You want to disarm us all, but then either have no response to how to keep people safe or say asinine shit that goes directly against what you’re proposing.

            So please tell me righteous one, you get rid of the guns overnight, and trump is elected or 12 years from now another trumpite is elected… what’s your plan? The police are still armed and now they (trump/trumpite) control the military, which mind you are mainly made up of gun owners who vote red. So either trump isn’t a fascist threat to you or your naive… it’s one or the other.

            Did I get it all wrong?

            • @[email protected]
              7 months ago

              You got every bit wrong haha. Guess you don’t know as much as you think. It’s also ironic that you’re calling me righteous

              • @SupraMario
                17 months ago

                Ok tell me how wrong I am then. What’s your solution champ?

                • @[email protected]
                  17 months ago

                  No thanks. I’m not playing your game because A) I get nothing out of it B) you already have your mind made up about me and C) I have zero interest in attempting to change your opinion just for you to try and poke holes in what I say