In labor news, the American Federation of Teachers passed a resolution to join a possible nationwide strike on May 1, 2028. The United Auto Workers union is calling on labor unions around the country to back May 1, 2028, as the expiration date for all local contracts, uniting workers in a possible massive work stoppage if employers fail to agree on fair terms for new contracts.
Yes but if we are going do a general strike we need to plan way ahead. Lets just hope we can get the majority of workers on board. Especially in major infrastructure. Rail workers, electric, and water. And every single fast food and retail worker. Just one week we bring the ruling class to their knees.
It seems to say 1 day (May day). Does it start then and continue? This sounds kind of dumb, but what do I know.
Yeah May 1 is the day and I think we have to do more than a day if we are truly make impact.