• @Warl0k3
    2 months ago

    … Are you trying to call me bigoted while invoking the spectacularly homophobic stereotype of gay men being self loathing because of their sexuality? Because even ironically that’s pretty gross to fall back on.

    • EleventhHour
      2 months ago

      “I know you are but what am I?” Is a deflection tactic used by children. And it’s hardly convincing anyone.

      Don’t try to hide your bigotry by accusing others when they call you out on it. it’s obvious projection and crude. Not to mention predictable.

      • @Warl0k3
        2 months ago

        I see how you think that’s what happened, but no. I was responding to obvious bait by talking past it, and drawing attention to the fact the stock retort of “lel gay man hates self for gay bcz conservative (or whatever)” is incredibly hypocritical when people are baselessly accusing someone of being a bigot. But, I’d really appreciate if you can point to where I was being a bigot! I’ve been accused of it, but man I just can’t see where I actually… am? Whereas that one critic did regurgitate a particularly tiresome piece of homophobia. Cheers.

        • EleventhHour
          2 months ago

          It was already called out, and pretty clearly. If you’re having a sudden attack of amnesia, simply scroll up to previous comments. And your twisting of events doesn’t hold water, because we can all read the comments and see what actually happened here.

          And, no, not every piece of criticism against you is “homophobia”. You’re not the victim here.

          • @Warl0k3
            2 months ago

            Um. No. It hasn’t been. People have pointed out it wasn’t a funny pun, but nobody has pointed to anything I’ve actually said as specifically problematic. Or bigoted. Or like, anything besides attempting to taunt/bait me? It’s been very smug.

            Seriously, can you do this for me? What’d I actually say that was bigoted?

            • EleventhHour
              2 months ago

              Multiple comments (here’s one) point out that it’s bigoted, and the offending comment has even been removed by the mod.

              Clearly your problems also extend to only seeing what you wish to see…

              • @Warl0k3
                2 months ago

                You keep insulting me, could you possibly… stop? Either I am, in fact, deeply bigoted or I’m just not clear on how this was actually bigoted. I know you’re not engaging with this in 100% good faith here, and I understand that you think you’re just dealing with a troll, but you aren’t. I’m genuinely unclear on how insulting the man was bigoted. Should I have used a different insult, or something?

                • EleventhHour
                  2 months ago

                  If you find the criticism you face for your reprehensible behavior hurts your feelings, you could simply stop behaving in such a reprehensible manner. But these are the consequences of those actions. You keep saying awful things, and you’re gonna get called out for it. Don’t like that? Stop doing it.

                  Insulting me while accusing me of doing what you, yourself, are doing is nothing more than deflection and projection. And it’s fooling nobody.

                  • @Warl0k3
                    2 months ago

                    I… didn’t insult you, though? I can address the rest, sure, but man, I didn’t accuse you of anything except responding to someone you don’t think is dealing with you in good faith. Something I even excused in that comment.