If you are facing or have recently faced a renoviction by a flipper or merchant housing dealer, you may not understand the reason: greed. I recently went through a renoviction and it took me some time to see the reason why: the commodification of housing.

Better put as how to double your return on idle money by simply evicting the vulnerable and artificially inflating housing costs.

Big shout out to the conservative faction of “god what’s you to be richer at any cost” for bolting a moral veneer of piety to this cruel and commandment breaking (#8, #9, & #10) approach.

    8 months ago

    A “renoviction” refers to a situation where a landlord evicts a tenant because they intend to perform renovations on the rental property or suite.

    In many cases, renovictions are entirely appropriate and necessary to maintain the rental property. However, renovictions do not always happen in good faith. For example, it’s not uncommon to see landlords claiming that they intend to renovate a suite to evict a tenant and then relisting the rental without completing renovations to take advantage of the market.

    Essentially a bs way to boot a lower rent tenant in favor of the current market rate for tenancy. Market rates are easier than ever to price fix determine now too thanks to sites like realpage.