• @[email protected]
    -157 months ago

    Do you realise that you are reasoning exactly like the religious men that are depicted in the meme? ( talking about (god) it isn’t an actual joke )

    • @redisdead
      147 months ago

      When I said you can joke about everything, I meant every fucking thing including religions.

      But if your joke repertoire is ‘lol women belong in the kitchen’s amirite?! Trans attack helicopter LOL!’, that makes you a bigoted asshole, yes.

      • @[email protected]
        -107 months ago

        Btw downwotes and dogma are your problem, not my problem. Dogmas stop knowledge and damage the people subject to them. No wonder that american technology have a lesser advantage against other countries.

        • @redisdead
          87 months ago

          First, I’m not american, second, please take your meds.

          • @[email protected]
            7 months ago

            In the soviet union the government, in the bresnev era, sent the dissidents in psychiatric facilities. Are you at the same level of dogmatic conformism of the late soviet communism? It is so disturbing to ear different ideas?

            • @redisdead
              77 months ago

              No, I’m telling to take your meds because you are clearly unhinged

                • @redisdead
                  17 months ago

                  No, the issue isn’t that you have a different opinion, it’s that you ramble about irrelevant things in a crazy word salad

                  • @[email protected]
                    -17 months ago

                    No problem, i have discussed about religion and morale with most of known religion and i understand that some topics are taboo. No problem, every religion/ideology have these.

      • @[email protected]
        -117 months ago

        It is your religion and your morale, the downvotes tell me, even if i have made no jokes at all, that the faith in this new religion it is not only strong, but you denied that it is a faith too. An universal set of values without the minimal possibility of discussion, even ipotetical, what it is?

        • @redisdead
          117 months ago

          What the fuck are you talking about mate?

          • @[email protected]
            7 months ago

            You ( and other people ) downvote me cause i’m having a different prospective about modern ideologies ( otherwise known as modern religions ). You even doesn’t recognise the religious part of your thought. That’s is interesting from a philosofical point of view.

            Btw: the equivalence between religion and modern ideologies it is not my idea, you can find the same concept in a lot of ( more or less ) modern philosofical works.

            Edit: in reality if you do not admit that your belief it is not a religion, you cannot have not believers, so your dogma became de facto universal.

            • @redisdead
              97 months ago

              Firstly, I didn’t downvote you, second I’m literally telling you you can joke about everything, but if your jokes are bigoted people will call you a fucking bigot. That’s how things work. Why are you rambling about dogmas and shit?

              If you’re an asshole and people call you an asshole, it’s not a religious dogma. It’s because you’re an asshole.

                • @redisdead
                  7 months ago

                  No. Bigot had a specific meaning that is different from the specific meanings of the other words in your list.

                  My dude, idk what to tell you. You can joke about everything, including trans people and w/e.

                  But if your jokes are shit and bigoted, people will call you a shit bigot.

                  If you’re angry at being called a shit bigot, stop making shit, bigoted jokes. It’s not hard, vast majority of people are able to come up with actually funny jokes that don’t punch down

                  There’s tons of funny trans jokes that don’t punch down or stem from a bigoted stereotype.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -17 months ago

                    I have made no jokes and i’m surprised to not been banned. I’m not angry and i doesn’t care at all about your beliefs that i found quite strange. So, from an external point of view, i try to understand the self consciousness of your religion.

            • @Agrivar
              77 months ago


              You ramble nonsensically like someone off of their meds. THAT is why you get downvoted - your comments add nothing of value to the conversation.

    • femtech
      7 months ago

      gods are not real, I will let you believe without ridicule as long as it does not effect me. The major religions do though and need to be shamed for trying to make governments enforce their religious laws. I don’t believe in tarot readings but I don’t shame the people that do as it has no effect on me. Hell I’ll even let someone do a reading and have fun with it. But when you say life starts at conception and that something goes against one of your gods and I need to stop them I will ridicule that belief.

      • @[email protected]
        -107 months ago

        Religion and gods are two different things. In this case we have a religion without gods. Religion is a natural state of humans regarding dogma and morale.

        • femtech
          37 months ago

          I agree religion and gods are different but very much disagree that it is a natural state. It came about from humans lack of understanding in the universe. That’s why as time goes on there are less and less religious people.