• @Philharmonic3
    27 months ago

    I don’t like that this chart makes it seem like all are valid. Science is literally defined by method. Material realism is maybe less strict, but it can’t be science if the scientific method isn’t followed.

    • OneMeaningManyNamesOP
      17 months ago

      As the author of the meme I disagree that such impression is given as to “toddlers destroying their toys” or “French surrealism” and Marxism being equivalent. May I draw your attention to these neatly distinguishable squares that break the chart up to ample separable plots? They are there to separate things rather than showing their equivalence.

      • @HollowNaught
        17 months ago

        These kinds of charts are usually used to compare things that, in this case, wouldn’t be science, but humourously could be considered science if given a chance

        But the other guy is right-if you don’t follow the scientific method and don’t try to describe your findings in ways that attempt to better understand the universe, then that’s not science. That’s bias