• @jqubed
    26 months ago

    I didn’t know Frontpage was ever not a Microsoft product. It was on all our computers at school when I was in high school. When I first started making webpages with it it seemed cool, but as I learned more I was shocked at how bad it was. Still, it was just playing around in there that introduced me to how HTML worked, so I’ll give it a little credit for introducing me to the web.

    • Kelly Aster 🏳️‍⚧️
      16 months ago

      You never forget your first WYSIWYG HTML editor. Mine was Adobe Pagemill, which doesn’t exist anymore but was also purchased from another software company. Ok, I shit on Frontpage a lot, maybe I’ve been too harsh. Those early WYSIWYGs helped us take those first few baby steps, and that’s so important in the learning process. Like, I’m just now realizing this, but I think I owe my web development career to Pagemill, lol. That little program (as we used to call them, you remember) made it easy for me, I was like “uh…I think I can do this!”