She uses my garbage can as a perch thejust in time for me to seriously want to dipose of something

  • @[email protected]
    47 months ago

    My sweet fluffmuffin is adorable in all ways, incredibly sweet, well behaved, BUT BARFS SEVERAL TIMES A WEEK. We’ve seen multiple vets, tried all of the foods, adjusted her eating situation to sit higher so she doesn’t crane her neck and is only allowed so much food at a time, but she doesn’t seem to realize she can take breaths between bites and we’ve had to barf-proof our home

    • @cheese_greaterOP
      7 months ago

      Get her a ridged puzzle bowl. Instead of a flat surface its like an egg carton and fill each egg section like less than level, had the same problem with an anxious one

      • @[email protected]
        27 months ago

        Thank you for the suggestion! We tried one of those as well as some mouse-looking containers that she’d have to bat around to get some food out of, and those helped a bit, but became a monster when she didn’t feel like “hunting” xD

        • @cheese_greaterOP
          7 months ago

          I understand but if she’s eating too quickly she most likely needs that to force her to slow down. I wouldnt get so gimmicky with anything hunting or wild stuff, she can most likely adjust to a simple puzzle bowl (maybe grumpy for a few days). Sometimes you have to impose a change for the good of their health ;)

          It keeps em slimmer too nominally since its more effort to eat and slower so they realize when they’ve eaten enough rather than scarfing.