I have quite a lot of herbs and stuff, mostly hydroponic, but can’t find a lot of inspiration what I wanna grow next year.

I’m looking for some sweet, delicious fruit, maybe even exotic ones that you can’t find in the supermarket.

Preferably they should have those checkboxes, but don’t have to fullfil all requirements:

  • Be annual. If they require overwintering inside, then they must check next mark
  • Be non-toxic/ only mildly toxic to cats
  • Grow well in a hydroponic environment. Shouldn’t be a problem I guess?
  • Shouldn’t grow too large, especially on the floor (for example like melons)
  • Have a good yield
  • Should be growable from seed, or preferably cuttings

My ideas/ experiences:

  • Melons (watermelon or cantaloupe) -> already tried, but didn’t survive due to inconvenient circumstances
  • Strawberries (sadly, bad ratio between size and yield)
  • Lemons or citrus fruits (already growing, are in seedling stage)

Do you have any suggestions or experiences? What are your favourites?

  • Nyssa Sylvatica
    68 months ago

    Absolutely figs. One of the easiest things to grow, even in a container. The easiest citrus to grow in a container is probably kumquat.

    Not annual, but not many fruits are. Maybe just melons and tomatoes.

    • nomad
      27 months ago

      I second figs. Fresh figs are so delicious. Dried figs are kinda men. They grow easily and plentiful but require a big container.