Irrelevant: are you guys watching the Olympics. I’ve been stuck on artistic gymnastics and judo. I need me a man who is pliant

  • @niktemadur
    132 months ago

    Absolutely, I wouldn’t be surprised one bit if glossolalia is one of the fundamental mechanisms for developing healthy mental, emotional and social skills.
    Glossolalia is healthy for adults, even practiced as a basic exercise in acting classes.

    An equivalent I can think of is in reading, while in college in Mexico back in the 90s, I was talking to a girl about some book I enjoyed, and she told me that as a child she wanted to read a comic book and her mother scolded her, because "comics are for low class and/or low intelligence people".

    I guess that stupid, rabidly-Catholic, typically inflexible mother thought children should start reading by cracking open The Iliad… or worse… the Bible.

    Reading is supposed to be a joyful experience, you want to hit those dopamine receptors early and often, but that woman obviously didn’t strain herself with thinking about it all that much, her life was surely more like a never-ending series of knee-jerk reactions. It makes me angry. Not satisfied with shooting her own foot long-term, she had to do it to others.

    Of course you know it - my friend never did develop an interest in reading.