Even though this would be a win for all Americans – and humanity – it apparently did not outweigh the politics of making a Democrat look good. This is the definition of party over country.

I’m a doctor.So is my mother. When she got cancer, I realized how little that mattered.

Republicans have stated budget cuts need to be made with an ever-growing debt. But where was this attitude when tax cuts for the wealthy were on the table in 2017? They don’t have to look at patients in the eye and break the devastating news that they have cancer. They don’t have to treat cancers that block intestines or drown a patient’s lungs in fluid.

  • Asafum@feddit.nl
    8 months ago

    Sean Hannity: As usual the Demonrats are LYING about how our brave Congress stood up to the elites that were demanding that you give your hard earned tax money to democrat pharma companies! They aren’t looking to cure cancer, they’re LYING!

    and every maga moron will believe it.

    There is no true reality to be agreed upon when propaganda is allowed to run so rampant. I FULLY believe 1000000% that the BIGGEST problem we have is propaganda. Solve that and we can actually start making progress.

      • Cryophilia
        8 months ago

        We’ve been trampling over the first amendment for decades. Not saying it’s a good thing, but there’s absolutely precedent.

      • Asafum@feddit.nl
        8 months ago

        That’s why we haven’t solved it. I really don’t know what the answer is to be honest.

        The closest I can think of is enforcing some regulations about news media. Fox and anyone else should NOT be allowed to have their opinion shows where they lie with impunity on the same network/channel as their actual journalistic programs.

        Ask any Magoo what they think of Sean Hannity (opinion host) and then ask them what they thought of Shepard Smith (actual news anchor) they were both on fox and you’ll see the result.

        My father: Shepard Smith is too opinionated that’s why I trust Hannity more.

    • experbia
      8 months ago

      we will always have stupid, hateful, regressive people in our society, and we will always have those that cater to them to make a buck. it’s easier and better to instead try and work around them to advance society anyway. they’ll complain about anything and everything no matter what we do. might as well do good.

    • pyre
      8 months ago

      maga morons don’t matter. when will people understand, winning for democrats is not about deprogramming cult members. it’s about winning the undecided and energizing their base so they actually get their ass to the voting machines.

      conservatives are and always have been a minority. the reason they keep winning is that they vote. and they do everything in their power to prevent others from voting.