35 crypto companies made a Change Dot Org petition called “Bitcoin Deserves an Emoji”
F that
Sign this one instead: “Bitcoin is Stupid and Does Not Deserve an Emoji”: https://www.change.org/bitcoin-is-stupid
35 crypto companies made a Change Dot Org petition called “Bitcoin Deserves an Emoji”
F that
Sign this one instead: “Bitcoin is Stupid and Does Not Deserve an Emoji”: https://www.change.org/bitcoin-is-stupid
crime coin should be banned since its only use case is illegal activity
I thought lemmy would be the kind of place that’d support ways to pay for things that don’t need to be approved by a government. not all laws are just.
Theoretically: I love the idea of bitcoin.
Realistically: it requires exchanges, large amounts of power, etc.
Plus, governments have little interest in making illegal behavior easy. Many of the economic costs of bitcoin are that its an easy way to make stolen goods inaccessible.
If all bitcoin had to be purchased and sold in cash without credit cards or electronic banking I think it would make far more sense as a form of e-cash. But as it is, I think it damages society more than it benefits - which is the easiest justification for outright banning commercial usage of it.
monero >> Bitcoin. it’s a lot more scalable and until recently you could easily buy it with cash
You can’t ban the roads because smugglers use them
we can ban the crime coin because literally the coiners themselves admit it’s crime coin and that that’s a problem for crime coin
also roads are useful for non-criming and crime coin isn’t
Yes, I agree there is a stigma around bitcoin because of the amount of scams and ransomware that is around them but I don’t want to delegitimize decentralized currency.
Currently the options are really bad because of the amount of resources they consume and their use as an investment option. I really wish there could be an option to have money outside of government control.
I agree decentralized currency is great.
All I need is some quarters and I can start my laundry without waiting half an hour for the centralized blockchain ledger’s global state to acknowledge the transaction.
That’s true, cash can be a more private alternative to electronic transactions but I also want an electronic counterpart, something with private and public keys. I am not knowledgeable enough on currencies and transactions to know how the system would work
Happily there are plenty of good examples of how such a system would work in practise… Web3 is Going Just Great, Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain or Amy Castor perhaps.
Blockchain will never be a good system of private transactions as it takes too many resources to run it and you have to fork it all of the time because the chains get too heavy. That much I know and agree with.
I want an alternative and currently after the grift made because of crypto, no one wants to innovate in a private and decentralized currency. In truth, I haven’t searched that much for an alternative.
The problem isn’t just the nature of blockchains, the problem is the uses to which such systems will be put. The explosion in ransomware fuelled by bitcoin et al isn’t something that can be replicated with physical cash at the same scale, for example (consider why you want electronic cash in the first place). Similarly, the need to “be your own bank” will always expose you to a greater risk of fraud and theft and loss, because being a bank is harder than people seem to think.
The technology involved is (almost) irrelevant.
here in the world, money is a function of society
Define control
Knowing the where, who and why of every transaction. In other chain I agree cash is a good alternative but without an electronic component that I would prefer.
Aktually, you can’t ban roads because normal people use them
Ban cash then! BTC isnt a holy grail but a deregulated international currency isnt a bad idea
boy was that a quick exit