• @barsquid
    22 months ago

    They’re completely different. Since you haven’t played them, the older games have a wide variety of interesting tools that unlocked a new area. Yes, exploration was linear, but things were fun and new instead of grinding out yet another segment of stamina bar to spend another several minutes climbing rock faces to get to more of the same glider/magnet/ice block puzzles.

    If you think the new ones are the same type of thing at all you are willfully closing your eyes. It’s cool that you like a mid game about collecting various numbers of nearly indistinguishable plants and critters but I wish Nintendo had done it with a new franchise. It’s grating to have people claim they are Zelda fans when their favorite title is the soulless grinding entry.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      Since you haven’t played them,

      So wrong there. I’ve played nearly every title. My favorite has been A Link to the Past. But, there will always be a place in my heart for the original. The N64 games were okay, but don’t hold the same childhood nostalgia. There’s a good chance I’ve been playing Zelda longer than you’ve been alive. You don’t know what you’re talking about.

      • @barsquid
        22 months ago

        If you don’t want to hear people assert you haven’t played this or that, perhaps you yourself should not do so.

        If you cannot tell there is a significant difference in gameplay that started in BotW you weren’t paying attention during nearly every title you played.

        • @[email protected]
          02 months ago

          Pay attention this time. Nobody said they weren’t different. I just said you seem to only like one aspect of the many varied aspects of the many varied Zelda games. Your reading comprehension skills are trash or you’re just burning straw men to make yourself feel better. Stop being a troll.

          • @barsquid
            12 months ago

            I would far rather have far fewer side quests with actual content instead of “collect 10 crickets” “collect 10 lizards.”

            Oh, what’s this, I did literally write something about enjoying the side quests when they felt meaningful? Your eyes were closed during my comment like they are playing Zelda games. Unsurprising.

            So what’s that you were writing about strawmen? Because I did have fun with the parts off the main quest on the previous games. BotW scrapped all of it in favor of extremely mid fetch quests and grinding hearts or stamina.