Further, I would say that people actively trying to be seen as weird don’t have a good kind of weird - generally, shapping your life base of “what will other people think” isn’t very healthy, and that’s true both on the side of trying to align with what you think is the general oponion of others as on the side of trying to align against that.
That’s some super faulty logic btw. Lots of good weird people would be quite bothered to hear anyone call them weird.
Yes but how else could the poster feel like they’d scored points on a man who doesn’t even know they exist?
Further, I would say that people actively trying to be seen as weird don’t have a good kind of weird - generally, shapping your life base of “what will other people think” isn’t very healthy, and that’s true both on the side of trying to align with what you think is the general oponion of others as on the side of trying to align against that.
And lots of good weird people aren’t too happy to be associated with whatever Republicans have become.
republicans have become theocratic fascists, not weird
It’s about tone