From the Atlanta Daily World:

Sometimes there are no winners, one side just losses slower than the other. When it was announced that Donald Trump would make an appearance at the National Association of Black Journalists convention, it was hard for most Black journalists to see how anyone would benefit from his presence. The NABJ convention always served as a … Continued

The post Trump Lied About Kamala Harris’ Race, Disrespected Black Women At NABJ: A Revealing Disaster For Everyone Involved appeared first on Atlanta Daily World.

  • @bazus1
    77 months ago

    However, the biggest loser of them all is Trump. He revealed, again, that he only speaks for a narrow base and is hellbent on sparking division. His die-hard followers who embrace the same racist ideologies enjoyed that he disrespected a Black woman and questioned Harris’ ethnicity.
    Trump wants to return America to a time when divineness and overt racism was a legal standard. If there was one winner throughout the entire fiasco, it’s the revelation that Trump should never, again, hold a political office as long as he lives. Voters now have the proof.