• @breadsmasher
    2 months ago

    Aww are the widdle capitalists upset the workers are realising how much value is being stolen from them?

    Maybe corporations should pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

    Pay what people feel they are worth, or go out of business.

    Isnt that what everyone here wants, the power of the free market to weed out inefficient businesses?

    Its literally a 70 cent rise. Thats barely inflation matching.

    Cry more, capitalists.

    • NeuromancerM
      -102 months ago

      This isn’t the free market when it’s mandated by law. The wages in a free market would be determined by supply and demand without government collusion

      • @LookBehindYouNowAndThen
        142 months ago

        We don’t live in a free market when business cartels can fix wages.

        This is labor competing back with the same methods that capital uses.

        Cry harder.

        • NeuromancerM
          -92 months ago

          Isn’t about labor at all. It’s about the government setting wages.

          Lots of people lost their jobs or hours. It’s weird you like to see them suffer by incompetent government action.

          • @LookBehindYouNowAndThen
            122 months ago

            Do you think labor is the only one lobbying the government regarding wages?

            Wake up.

            • NeuromancerM
              -72 months ago

              Do you always talk in circles ? My statement is accurate. It isn’t free market when the government is mandating.

              Unions are free market.

              Now why you want the workers to cry harder is a weird response. Lots of people lost their jobs over this and you celebrate. Typical liberal.

              • sunzu
                92 months ago

                Unions are aggressively suppressed by employers both via illegal tactics and lobbying the state for anti union laws.

                I am sure you know these facts… By we don’t see you crying over it unlike peasant win wage lol

                  • sunzu
                    82 months ago

                    Because your created narrow context for your argument that doesn’t make much logical sense when you look at how system operates as a whole.

                    Picking good places for conservative arguements while ignoring big picture is a bad faith actor behavior.

              • @LookBehindYouNowAndThen
                92 months ago

                Do you always ignore what is inconvenient to you?

                We don’t live in a free market. It’s a conservative fantasy. Grow up sometime.

                When you start bitching about corporations lobbying the government to keep wages down maybe I’ll take you seriously.

                • NeuromancerM
                  -72 months ago

                  I never made the claim that we lived in a free market. Do you always make things up?

                  I responded to the statement that this was a free market and pointed out that we are not a free market .

              • @HunterOfGunners
                2 months ago

                Somebody’s reading comprehension needs some work. You should quit as a mod.

      • @breadsmasher
        112 months ago

        You’re advocating poverty wages, and “shut up you get what you’re given”?

        • casey is remote
          -52 months ago

          @breadsmasher Nope! I’m advocating for policies that would lower the production costs of the goods that are being served, as well as inflation and regulatory costs and fees like taxes, providing greater margins and stability for businesses, incentivizing them to voluntarily raise employee wages.

          • @breadsmasher
            82 months ago

            So “hahha ask for more get fired” is your way of saying “production costs should be lowered”.

            I don’t believe you have a good grasp on reality. Good day.

            • casey is remote
              -62 months ago

              @breadsmasher No, it’s not. It’s my way of making fun of you guys for complaining about something happening that’s due to a policy you support, and then advocating for doing that again. This is downright hilarious, and worth laughing at!

              Everyone laughs at the fool who hits himself in the head with a hammer, says “ow that hurts”, and does it again. Y’all are doing the exact same thing here.

        • djsumdog
          -62 months ago

          Increasing minimum wages reduces the value of everyone else’s money. Companies never take a hit from these increases. They always pass on the cost into the product or they shut down locations.

          Every time government increases the minimum wage, the poverty line goes up as well. It’s turns into a never ending inflationary cycle.

          You can’t just increase the minimum payment, because at the end of the day, the money has to equal some type of value. When the government forces a value, it reduces the value of everyone else’s money.

      • sunzu
        72 months ago

        Dude is linking corpo propaganda as a flex🤡

      • NeuromancerM
        -62 months ago

        This was the wrong time to push higher wages. Small business are having financial problems. Many people don’t get most McDonald’s or other fast good places are small businesses.

        With inflation and everything else, they just can’t afford to take the hit. That’s why many closed or laid people off.

        Bakeries were excluded because of the buddies of the governor.

        It would make more sense to have a fast food union over the government screwing everyone over.