• @[email protected]
    -122 months ago

    Please do yourself a favor and spend an hour reading this. Then either come up with a better argument or accept that you’re wrong.

    • YeetPics
      162 months ago

      Read my agitprop or I won’t discuss this with you.

      Lmao, enjoy sitting alone in silence then 🤷

      • @[email protected]
        -12 months ago

        Agitprop is usually a poster or something short and memorable. This is a well written and sourced essay on the topic at hand.

        • @[email protected]
          -11 month ago

          Sourced? From what? Propaganda, opinion pieces, and almost the entire library of Marx and Engels?

          You know other people can have input on the economic state of “communist” nations outside of those nations right? This essay is the equivalent of those anti communist propaganda works from the height of the cold war.

      • @[email protected]
        -92 months ago

        The people arguing against me clearly haven’t read anything, and are incapable of arguing on this topic until they do.

        • @Donkter
          82 months ago

          If it’s something you believe is true then you should be able to articulate it and use it in arguments. If you’re not able to make an argument in favor of it then you are either holding the belief disingenuously or don’t know enough about what you’re arguing about

    • @barsquid
      132 months ago

      That’s excruciating to read. Why would someone take an hour to read this as an answer to that comment? Only near the end does it conclude the whataboutism and try to address why “socialism” produces hundreds of billionaires.

      Apparently, “it’s fine because the proles have public transit and stuff.” Perhaps magical thinking seems compelling if it is disguised in an expensive vocabulary and hiding behind many citations.

      • @[email protected]
        -112 months ago

        “China has billionares therefore it’s not socialism” is not an argument. It’s a thought-terminating cliche. The essay is an in-depth examination of why China should be considered socialist, and is therefore a direct refutation of that sentiment.

        You keep saying it’s “whataboutism”. That’s another of those thought-terminating cliches, and you would do well to stop using it to dismiss every argument that makes you uncomfortable.

        • @[email protected]
          172 months ago

          If the means of production is owned by the people, why would there be people with more money than others, let alone billions?

        • @barsquid
          162 months ago

          Uh, yes, it is an argument, whether or not you want to close your eyes to reality. Billionaires do not occur without individuals using concentrations of capital or power to extract large amounts of value from laborers. The wealth inequality in China is very present, due to the fact that it is capitalism.

          You would do well to join the people capable of observing objective reality instead of scouring the web for essays that cite philosophers instead of data. That would require confronting your cognitive biases, though.

          • @PugJesusOP
            182 months ago

            They’re literally defending the existence of The People’s Billionaires as proletarian liberation. They’re a lost cause, like most tankies.

            • @barsquid
              42 months ago

              Totally agree. The essay they posted has some funny magical thinking if you want to skim through it for a laugh. “Billionaires are good actually because we need them to be like a sort of USB plug so we can link into capitalist economies. Anyway the state can execute them as a scapegoat if the need arises. Here’s a few dozen quotes from philosophers. See? Still socialist.”

            • @[email protected]
              -142 months ago

              As Mao said, no investigation, no right to speak. I used to think like you do, but then I did a little investigation.

              • @PugJesusOP
                122 months ago

                As Mao also said, “let one hundred flowers bloom in social science and arts and let one hundred of view points be expressed in the field of science.”, and then promptly jailed and murdered those who expressed themselves. Not sure he’s the ideal champion of free thought.

                • @[email protected]
                  -92 months ago

                  Jailing reactionaries is objectively good, the Cultural Revolution just went a little too far (like the Great Purge before it).

                  • @PugJesusOP
                    92 months ago

                    Jailing reactionaries is objectively good, the Cultural Revolution just went a little too far (like the Great Purge before it).

                  • @mecfs
                    42 months ago

                    You know. I imagine most tankies are just radicalised westerners.

                    But you my friend, I would be willing to bet you’re a chinese state sponsered keyboard warrior.

          • @[email protected]
            -62 months ago

            Socialism is not about wealth inequality. Socialism is about control of the means of production. Reduction in wealth inequality is an expected outcome of a socialist system, but it is not the sole marker of that system’s success. You are hyper-focusing on this specific metric and ignoring all arguments against your blinkered point of view.

            • @barsquid
              132 months ago

              Socialism is about control of the means of production.

              Oh, you’re closer to reality than I imagined. Ok, so the billionaires are receiving billions of dollars with whose means of production?

              • @[email protected]
                -122 months ago

                Their workers of course, but if you had read the assigned essay you would know that this is accounted for already. The billionaires in China do not have control of Chinese society in the way that the billionaires in other countries have control of theirs, and their existence is strictly a temporary condition of the Chinese economy as it goes through the development necessary for the next stage of socialism to become possible.

                • @barsquid
                  92 months ago

                  Workers who own the means opt to force billions in wealth they generated upon these unfortunate individuals who must act as lightning rods for criticism. Instead of distributing it amongst themselves or spending on infrastructure. Very realistic perspective, thank you.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -12 months ago

                    Do you think that China doesn’t distribute wealth among its population or build infrastructure?

            • @PugJesusOP
              62 months ago

              Socialism is not about wealth inequality. Socialism is about control of the means of production.

              “Chinese billionaires are just really well paid proletarians” said no one sane ever.

    • @[email protected]
      11 month ago

      Why do people think they are always teaching a class here? Like in what non tenured position has this ever worked? And what paper outside of philosophy would get away with 52 references without a single one being actual data?

      No really this is weird all the 52 are from interviews or opinion pieces, there is not one primary source of data in that list. Wild.