Edit - marking as solved.
- Remote path: /home/seedit4me
- local path: /data
This is now working, I don’t know why it wasn’t before. ‐------------
I have followed the docs and have the recommended folder structures for my Plex and arrs setup.
sonarr has a volume set as /data which gives it access to e.g. /data/usenet/downloads This is working fine with SABnzdb
I am using a seedbox for torrents. Looking at ruTorrent on the seedbox, I can see that the local download folder there is set to: /home/seedit4me/torrents/rtorrent
sonarr is reporting "No files found are eligible for import in:
- /home/seedit4me/torrents/rtorrent/Completed/tv-sonarr/filename.mkv
I have set a remote path in the download clients page in sonarr as follows:
- Host - ****.seedit4.me
- Remote path: /home/seedit4me
- local path: /data
I have ftp’d the mkv file to actual folder structure:
- /data/torrents/rtorrent/Completed/tv-sonaar/filename.mkv
The permissions on this file are:
- -rw-rw-r–
the folder permissions are:
- drwxrwxr-x 2 myacct myacct 4096 Aug 2 11:41 .
- drwxrwxr-x 3 myacct myacct
My uid=1000(my acct), same for gid I have set these as the PUID and PGID env variables in sonarr
The log file in sonarr is reporting: |Error|DownloadedEpisodesImportService|Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /home/(removed)/torrents/rtorrent/Completed/tv-sonarr/filename.mkv
Seeing this, i tried mapping /home/(removed)/ to /data/ but that doesn’t work either.
Can anyone guide me on what I am doing wrong? I feel like I’ve checked everything so I can’t understand the issue at all.—
when you say
is that verbatim, or is (removed) supposed to indicate you redacted that part?In the log file, verbatim. In sonarr (queue page) it still says seedit4me