Instead of the url. There’s a lot of dfg7dfg97dfg “names” of links on that page, which is pretty useless.

On the $meta front, it seems when a copy of a generator is made it has the same $meta.title, .description, etc. Which I guess is the most straightforward way. Would be cool if the description was edited with (copy of at the start, something like that? As a small way to credit who originally made it, but more usefully so people know who are browsing the generators page that it could well just be someone messing about with changing/adding things to try it out, and not a real “full” generator that’s been made with care and ready for release. (In lieu of “private” not being the default.)

  • VioneTM
    12 months ago

    It’s was just found on the source. The AI apis are not so public, you have to use the plugin directly.