• Why9
    8 months ago

    Ok, let’s compare, shall we?

    Millions of people out protesting over the murder of thousands of children in Gaza, and protesting the UK’s complicity in those crimes by directly sending weapons to Israel. No crimes committed, no riots, no disorder. There were a couple who held up flags and inflammatory symbols or shouted crude slogans and they went peacefully when they were arrested.

    Thousands of children murdered, peaceful protest.

    In contrast, a far-right counter protest against the Palestine march in London ends with the thugs clashing with police, being violent and causing damage https://www.politico.eu/article/uk-far-right-football-hooligans-blamed-violence-pro-palestinian-march-london/

    Recently, 3 girls brutally and abhorrently murdered in Southport, but EDL thugs who honestly couldn’t care less about the victims and just wanted a scrap, took to the streets and torched police vehicles, injured many offers. The perpetrator ended up being a Christian, and yet the EDL mob went and targeted a mosque.

    3 children murdered, outright anarchy.

    EDL have proven that they’re just in it for the fight. They just want blood and they don’t care what the trigger is. Absolutely pathetic. They piss about in school, get bugger all in the way of grades and end up at the building site, blaming immigrants for their troubles. Spineless knobgobblers, the lot of them.