Dear Perchance Dev ,

I would kindly like to make a request for a new plugin, “Live User.” Traditionally this required a web socket server. I have personally set it up via Glitch with Express to create a WebSocket and then use it.

But I think if you create this as a plugin it would be easier for other people to implement them without so many hassles.

The essential things I personally think would be good are;

  • It would be good if it returned a numeric value, so potentially math can be done if needed.
  • Another feature could be to display combined user count from different generators. However, whether this is strictly required, is a decision I am leaving upto you.

Also, now that I think about it, maybe the comment’s section too could display how many users are using it at the moment. 😮

  • CocellOP
    14 months ago

    Heh, I could do that. In fact, that is what I actually thought I should do. But then, it would be more reliable to have the server based on Perchance itself, as Glitch tends to put projects to sleep that are inactive. And Glitch could also shut down any time, not that it is likely to happen.

    And another thing is, so many people would then rely on my Glitch WebSocket, I think there are restrictions to how many requests can be sent to a Glitch App per hour.

    A free Glitch account is only allowed 1000 hours in a month, though a month is around 744 hours.

    And I don’t want to bear liability for so many users as well.