His intervention comes as the presidents of Brazil, Mexico and Colombia all called on Venezuela to release the full details of last Sunday’s election.

It has also attracted global criticism, with many governments around the world demanding the Venezuelan government release proof of the result.

The result has been recognised by Venezuelan allies China, Russia and Iran.

But, the US, European Union and other G7 countries have called on Mr Maduro’s government to release detailed voting data.

  • @[email protected]
    425 months ago

    Because the official evidence is held by the incumbent government. The evidence we do have access to, from extensive exit polls by neutral auditors to the mandated voting station slips (small pieces of paper that each voter is issued giving them the electronic count so far at that station) both track a 60 - 70% lead for the opposition.

    In response, instead of releasing the official report, the incumbent government has brutally crushed several protests (even killing protestors), arrested the opposition, and claimed victory. Not exactly the pattern of behavior of an innocent victor.

    • @[email protected]
      135 months ago

      Just to clarify, the evidence provided by opposition is not from exit polls. The evidence is genuine voting receipts from the machines that are supposed to be* guaranteed to each party’s site observers

      *Opposition says many of their observers were removed without being allowed access to their polling site receipts to explain why they didn’t have them all

      The electronic machines provide every voter a paper receipt that shows which candidate they chose. Voters are supposed to deposit their receipts at ballot boxes before exiting the polls.

      After polls close, each machine prints a tally sheet showing the candidates’ names and the votes each received. Party representatives stationed at polling sites throughout election day get a copy of the tally sheet, and electoral authorities keep another one.

      AP News

      • @[email protected]
        405 months ago

        So release the official counts and let people compare their voting slips? Don’t arrest your opposition?

        If it quacks like a dictatorship and stinks like a dictatorship…

          • @[email protected]
            225 months ago

            Of course, there is only one available domain to do this, and that was hacked. There is no possible other way to get that data out but that one website. And it is, forever, hacked.

          • @takeda
            215 months ago

            LOL, what a convenient excuse.

          • @Valmond
            195 months ago

            Lol sure. No other website can hold the data either, it’s gone now, like in an internet tube, vanished I say.

            What an idiot lie.