The officials say Russia intends to use social media to manipulate US public opinion in favor of Trump

  • @[email protected]
    57 months ago

    Tbh I am coming around to the belief that we should make a concerted but covert-as-possible effort at a Russian regime change. Though it’s absolutely a strategy best left to the history books, in this particular case, they’ve been trying to do it to us (and succeeded in 2016!!!) for decades, and turnabout is fair play.

    • Brave Little Hitachi Wand
      57 months ago

      If we don’t want our children dying in the Baltics in fifteen years, we’d better hope the regime changes

      • @[email protected]
        37 months ago

        Yeah, and I’m saying that since we got so much practice at it in South America when we were drunk on the Cold War, maybe it’s time to put those skills to use against an actual goddamn adversary which is posing a clear and present danger to us and large swaths of the world instead of sCaRy sOCiALiSt eLEctEd GovErNmEntS

        • Brave Little Hitachi Wand
          27 months ago

          Success at direct regime change has been, shall we say, elusive. I’d rather we keep making Ukraine and NATO increasingly muscular, while also keep rebuilding the state department. Trump really gutted it, you may recall, which I’m sure was music to Putin’s ears.

    • @Etterra
      17 months ago

      You’re presuming that they actually have a fair election process in Russia. They do not. No amount of tampering will change the outcome. We could try to rabbel rouse, but our history of doing that in other countries shows a tendency for it to backfire. I mean the CIA has enough trouble getting shit done in South and Central America, much less Russia.