I’m in my mid 30s and make 6 figures in IT. I’m considering joining the Air Force Reserves. Is this a stupid idea?

I always regretted not enlisting in my 20s as I feel a strong personal drive to serve my country. I feel that a part time enlistment would fill that void. Any thoughts or experiences are appreciated.

  • teft
    17 months ago

    I served. My only concern would be how physically fit are you?

    You need to be aware that most of the other enlistees will be 18-22 or so and you’ll have to keep up with them. I served in the army and we had an older guy in my basic that was extremely fit. He did fine but you could tell he struggled to keep up with us during runs. Having been out 18 years now I wouldn’t want to try and keep up with the young bucks.

    Other than the physical aspect I think it’s a good opportunity for most people. The military teaches you a lot and I never regretted joining.