Edit: trying to figure out the spoiler tag…sorry

Edit 2: I tried three ways and nothing worked, but spoilers below

I’ve run into a lot of times where needed things don’t trigger bc I’m hiding

spoiler hag

! For example, when rescuing Mayrina the first time, I snuck past them and tried to talk to her, which triggered the cutscenes and hag transformation.

Combat was supposed to start, but didn’t. So I went into the fireplace thinking that was a good escape route and into the lair, where she, in hag form, told me I shouldn’t be sneaking around and to leave, but with the normal lady’s voice.

Then, when rescuing from the cage, I used the druids thorn whip to yang Mayrina down. Combat triggered and she acting like she was still in the cage instead of running through the open door behind us.

I tried a second time and she ran through, but disappeared. When I went back, she was outside the cage. I thought she was the hag bc she had 0 damage, so I cast blindness on her and she ran…somewhere.

Also, the hag never rendered, but I could see her vision outline.

Anyway, now I think I actually have to fight the hag. I read something about a water trick, so I’ll try that was well.

But jeez, with all the warnings to run away from a hag, I thought I’d be able to do that.

Of course leaving an angry hag alive is no good, so 🤷‍♂️!<

  • Drunemeton
    57 months ago
    Tap for spoiler

    You can use an invisibility pot., sneak around to the control, and lower her down. She’ll step out of the cage and just stand there.