
I’ve been using this script for ages, up to the point I forgot that ctrl-f to open and close the findbar wasn’t a native behavior. Today I noticed it doesn’t work anymore and I think it’s FF128 that broke it…but I can’t seem to see how to fix it.

Anyone’s got ideas?

  • @MrOtherGuyM
    41 month ago

    I suspect that the cause is from bug 1897477 - whereas previously your script overrode the original command ctrl+f event callback, with this change both callbacks happen. So when findbar is already shown, your script will hide it, but then the original Firefox function shows it again.

    You can probably change the last part to be like this instead (I don’t really get what the middle part is supposed to do, but meh):

    (function() {
      document.getElementById("cmd_find").addEventListener("command",(ev) => {
      }, { capture: true })
    • @MiniBus93OP
      11 month ago

      Oh I see, a bug was affecting it, curious ahah! Thanks for pointing it out and thanks for the quick fix solution as well :D

      • @MrOtherGuyM
        11 month ago

        Right, though “bug” here really means an intentional change, not so much something that is broken.