I’ve had a problem for a while with my mental health. Randomly getting really depressed (generally in the evening and I’m sure its not random, but I’ve no idea why), dealing with stress in pretty bad ways (cutting myself and isolating myself from others generally), and suicidal thoughts occasionally.

I want to go to therapy, but I’m really worried about it. My family can’t know about any of it (I’m 18+ so hopefully that’s not as issue anyway), and I’m really worried about being put in a psyche ward because of the self harm and suicidal thoughts. I really really don’t want that to happen. What should I do?

Edit: Should’ve mentioned, I’m in the UK, probably moving to Ireland in August though.

  • curiosityLynx
    12 years ago

    I’m not sure how it is in the UK/Ireland (I live in Switzerland), and I haven’t gone the bodily self-harm way, but back when I had suicidal ideation for the second time it scared me enough to immediately go to a crisis centre, where I was diagnosed with depression. The people there helped me find a therapist. Though they told me that I could switch therapists if it didn’t click, without needing to give any reasoning, and that it might take up to ten tries to find a therapist that clicks, I was lucky and clicked with the first one. But putting me in a psyche ward wasn’t even mentioned (though I spent three days and two nights at the crisis centre), possibly because I never took steps to realize those suicidal thoughts.