• Flying SquidM
    321 month ago

    You don’t imagine? Well then that proves it. He’s very sorry he raped a 12-year-old girl over and over even though he’s never said so in public.

      • Flying SquidM
        441 month ago

        The “conservative mindset” that someone who raped a 12-year-old over and over should, at the very least, make a public apology before being allowed to join their Olympic team?

        You’re right, that’s a total MAGA position. Trump 2024!

          • Flying SquidM
            271 month ago

            Absolutely. We all know what big fans of public apologies MAGA people are.

            And, of course, suggesting someone who raped a 12-year-old girl multiple times should make a public apology before being allowed on an Olympic volleyball team definitely means I don’t believe in governments.

            It’s amazing how you’ve gotten me totally right so far.

              • Flying SquidM
                201 month ago

                Again, you totally have me pegged. There is nothing more right wing than expecting a child rapist to apologize for repeatedly raping a child before being allowed on an Olympic team. That’s basically Hitler-level evil.

                And that’s why I will definitely be voting for unrepentant rapist and known friend of Jeffrey Epstein, Donald Trump.

                And also why I definitely hate government.

                Trump 2024! Anarchy forever!

                  • @ChronosTriggerWarning
                    281 month ago

                    There ain’t a gram of good faith here.

                    Agreed. Now, stop defending the CONVICTED CHILD RAPIST, you creepy fucking weirdo.

                  • Flying SquidM
                    151 month ago

                    Am I obsessed with the words ‘child rapist’ or is the subject of this discussion someone who raped a child? Because I may be a stupid anarchist right-wing Trump supporter, but I’m pretty sure it’s the latter.

      • @Passerby6497
        221 month ago

        No, the conservative mindset would be that she was married and wives can’t be raped.