• @paddirn
    26 months ago

    “Deplorables” and alot of other seemingly insulting, derogatory things could be worn as a badge of honor by that group. For people who pride themselves on being conservative and the representatives of “normality”, “Weird” isn’t something you can easily call yourself, you’re not weird, you’re the normal one, it’s society that’s weird for being so permissive. And then just being called “weird” is hard to defend against because everyone has some weird thing about themselves, just existing as a human being is a weird experience.

    Weird isn’t bad, weird is just normal, it’s just life, but in their eyes, weird IS bad, it’s probably a part of themselves that they themselves know is wrong. I think alot of the blatant lies they tell the world aren’t just for other people, part of it is for themselves too, to make the weirdness of fascism go down a bit easier, to make it seem like they’re supporting it for justifiable reasons.