• @kryptonianCodeMonkey
    7 months ago

    “They couldn’t beat him politically,”

    He’s never won the popular vote, and he lost the second election by a sizable margin in both popular vote (over 7 million more), and the electoral college (74 more electors).

    “so they tried to bankrupt him.”

    Who tried to bankrupt him? How? What are you even referring to? Also, who needs to try to bankrupt a man who has filed bankruptcy for his businesses SIX(!!!) times. Nobody could be more successful at bringing Trump to bankruptcy than himself and his stupid business decisions.

    “They failed at that, so they tried to impeach him.”

    Didn’t try. Succeeded. Twice. Failed only to convict him and remove him from office a few months early. And that was only because the spineless partisan GOP Senators refused to hold him to account and protected the traitor.

    "They failed at that, so they tried to put him in prison.”

    That sentencing hearing is still on the horizon, Vancy-pants. I’m not holding my breathe for any real jail time myself, but I wouldn’t be counting my eggs before they hatch either. And while that documents case is delayed… if you don’t make it into office so he can pardon himself like the weird bitch he is, you will almost certainly see more convictions in the future. That presidential immunity you’re counting on doesn’t do shit for the illegal actions he took after leaving office, dumbass.

    “They even tried to kill him.”

    Don’t even need to refute this one. You better hope that all Trump’s enemies don’t come for blood though… he has made quite a lot of those and makes more every day.