SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — A Northern California man who was left paralyzed after he was slammed to the ground during a traffic stop won a $20 million settlement, one of the largest in the state’s history, officials announced Tuesday.

  • @echo64
    5311 months ago

    California tax-payers pay $20 million dollars to ensure state thugs can continue to paralyse their fellow citizens

    • PugJesus
      1611 months ago

      ‘State’ thugs is a strong term. Most police departments, by statements and actions, don’t give a shit about what the government wants from them, except when it coincides with their ability to brutalize citizens with impunity.

    • dismalnow
      1311 months ago

      Not that this isnt a major national issu, but I briefly worked with an ex-cop from Sacramento. Decent guy.

      The stories he told at the tail-end of happy hour were enough to turn your hair white.

      He didn’t quit that job. He fled in abject horror.

      • Flying Squid
        1311 months ago

        Any “good cop” that isn’t an ex-cop is complicit. Your co-worker did the right thing.