There’s is so much that Sen Mark Kelly would bring if he got the nod for VP on the #Harris ticket.

But Minnesota consistently will #VoteBlue and replacing Gov Tim Walz with another Dem is more likely to happen than giving the nod to Kelly.

It’s a risky move to pull a Dem senator from Arizona, despite a Dem governor in place to appoint another Dem for two years.

Would love to see Mark Kelly but my bet is on Walz or Beshear. This article says it’s between Walz and Shapiro but the PA gov is problematic in my opinion.

This article from Reuters published 45min ago as of this toot.


  • 🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱
    02 months ago

    @godofbiscuits @CoachMark @WrenArcher @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews > First off, 80 years is more like FOUR generations.

    True usually when people talk about generations they talk about the time to average child bearing age, not the length of time of a lifetime. What I meant here was a single persons lifespan.

    Second, the last non Democratic, non Republican President was Millard Fillmore

    To be clear here I didnt actually answer your question, because I misread it as being applicable to my claim.

    I claimed the majority party changed 8 times and the last time was 80 years. That is not the same as saying a non-majority party won all those 8 times. Some of those 8 cases represent presidential wins, some of them simply represented a new majority party pushing out an old, but not corresponding with a presidential win during that year (and by some future point when the new party does win has now been established as a majority party so wouldnt count by your criteria).

    Specifically in the case of 80 years ago, we are talking about a third-party becoming one of the two majority parties, but not becoming the winning party,. 80 years ago was also the one time out of 8 that I had mentioned that the thuird party did not retain majority status after wards. In all other cases, 7 of them, the new majority party remained a majority party and I beleive in all cases eventually had a presidential candidate in office.

    @CoachMark @WrenArcher @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews