• @[email protected]
    527 months ago

    WW2 caused an aberration in American politics where fascism, and literal nazi’s, were shunned for generations. But there were violent anti-labor groups active in American prior to WW2. There were pro-Hitler rallies in America prior to the US entering WW2. Extreme right wingers have always been a part of American history. It just took 60 years for them to overcome the natural repugnance caused by WW2 and start openly proliferating again.

    • @rayyy
      237 months ago

      Extreme right wingers have always been a part of American history.

      A Nazi style government was supported by the same actors then too - the rich folks like the Duponts and Mellons. The NRA was pro Nazi, or at least pro-wealth, back then too. One man took the whole operation down, Major General Smedley Darlington Butler. The rich criminals, however, weaseled their way out accountability - sound familiar? The Business Plot should have been required reading in schools. A good book on this is, “The Plot To Seize The White House”. It is only 244 pages and is an absolutely fascinating read.

      • @[email protected]
        97 months ago

        Good on you for the book. The link just goes to Amazon’s homepage though.

        In line with not supporting Amazon when possible here’s the book on bookshop.org. Additionally, it may be available through your local library or digitally if they provide Libby.

    • @[email protected]
      127 months ago

      Personally I think Marvel Comics are the reason America hated Nazis for a few decades. Captain America punched Hitler in the face while real America was still deciding whether to commend the Nazis for their efficient eugenics programs