Abhishek has 115,000 YouTube subscribers, dozens of instructional videos, and is part of a community of influencers selling classes and making YouTube content about how to go viral on Facebook with AI-generated images and other types of spam. These influencers act much like financial influencers in the United States, teaching other people how to supposedly spin up a side hustle in order to make money by going viral on Facebook and other platforms. Part of the business model for these influencers is, of course, the fact that they are themselves making money by collecting ad revenue from YouTube and by selling courses and AI prompts on YouTube, WhatsApp and Telegram. Many of these influencers go on each others’ podcasts to discuss strategies, algorithm changes, and loopholes. I have found hundreds of videos about this, many of which have hundreds of thousands or millions of views.

But the videos make clear that Facebook’s AI spam problem is one that is powered and funded primarily by Facebook itself, and that most of the bizarre images we have seen over the last year are coming from Microsoft’s AI Image Creator, which is called “Bing Image Creator” in instructional videos.

Other videos highlight the process of influencers copy-pasting AI image generation prompts in Hindi from WhatsApp groups made for sharing prompts into Google Translate, translating them into English, then copy pasting those prompts into Microsoft’s Image Creator:

  • @corroded
    57 months ago

    When this guy says 1000 likes are worth $100 or whatever the ratio is, how exactly does that work? I haven’t used Facebook in probably 6 years or so, but there was no way to get paid anything at all back then.

    Are they building a following and then selling “ad space” to scammers. Or does Facebook really pay money for likes now?