• teft
    21 month ago

    And now you understand why some astronomers are against these mega constellations.

    • @[email protected]
      -41 month ago

      Fuck thse affluent fucks who think they own the sky, satellites materially improve life for the most impoverished people in numerous ways - access to education and healthcare for underseved communities is far more important than some snob nerd that wants to pointlessly look at stars as a hobby.

      All serious science happens via space based telescopes, the satellites don’t even affect viewing outside small windows of time and position. This is just a luddite talking point that idiots have latched onto because they like to hate everything as an defense mechanism for their own lack of significance and import.

      • teft
        21 month ago

        Spoken like an ignorant person who doesn’t know about ground based observations.

        You should maybe speak to someone if you’re this mad so early in the morning. It’s not good for your wellbeing.

      • @MotoAsh
        21 month ago

        “Fuck the afluent fucks that own the sky …”

        You uh… you DO realize these constellations are taking the night sky from YOU, right…?

        The telescopes can see many, many times better than you. It will be YOUR eyes unable to see the stars, dumbass.

        • teft
          21 month ago

          Check out his profile. He seems to be either a curmudgeon who disagrees a lot or a troll.

        • @[email protected]
          -11 month ago

          No they’re not, that’s s childish and luddite spin on reality. They provid vital services for the most impoverished, I’m more than happy to occasionally see a dim.light in the sky for a brief window of time every night if that’s the cost.

          • @MotoAsh
            21 month ago

            Keep thinking that’s where it will stop. You are a fool who has never been outside of a city if you think it’s no problem.

            • @[email protected]
              01 month ago

              It seems you’re the one who hasn’t seen the sky if you actually believe the nonsense about them ruining the night sky - there’s a brief window you can see some of them, most never show up an by actual night when people atargaze you can’t see them at all.