It’s extremely time-, storage-, and compute-expensive to generate images for an entire library before-hand. In my case it’s doing all this work for tons of content that I might not even watch again.
I guess the idea is that there’s no delay in the images being available as soon as the programme is started?
I’m not sure the trade-off is worth it.

  • @Ptsf
    17 months ago

    If it’s time, storage, and compute sensitive to generate it beforehand why on this green earth would you want to do it at stream runtime? Do you enjoy the thought of waiting 5-10 minutes for a stream to start or causing continual buffering problems during the stream? Also to my understanding the way it is built requires that the encoding be done for the entire length of the stream before any benefits are shown, so starting the process at stream launch would be less than useful even under the best circumstances. I think what you want to do is to sort your library into two, one you want to watch, and an archive. From there you can enable trickplay on just the “want to watch” library.