On Wednesday evening, Ukrainian MP Oleksiy Honcharenko said the Ukrainian army had established control over the Sudzha gas hub - a major gas facility involved in the transit of natural gas from Russia to the EU via Ukraine, which has continued despite the war. It is the only point of entry for Russian gas into the EU.

Although this has not been verified by the BBC, Mr Honcharenko’s comment was the first confirmation of an incursion into Russian territory by a Ukrainian official. Kyiv had previously not commented on reports of a cross-border attack.

  • Skua
    245 months ago

    Most of the EU is fine with it, it’s basically just the governments of Hungary and Slovakia throwing a hissy fit

    • @[email protected]
      205 months ago

      Fucking Wah Wah.

      Those countries had a chance to be on the right side of history, and they screwed the pooch. Enjoy freezing in a couple of months.

      • @ticho
        5 months ago

        As a Slovak person, currently horribly embarrassed for my own proto-fascist government, I wholeheartedly agree. We’ve had our chance, but majority of voters over here are mentally 50 years in the past and brainwashed by Russian disinfo campaigns. We really are gullible idiots.

        EDIT: That said, it’s mostly just our government making performative noise for benefit of its voter base. We are not affected nowhere near as much by Ukraine’s current gas block as they want you to believe.