My experience on this platform has been mixed so far but one thing I’ve noticed the most is a significant contingent of the user base is really reactionary in their discourse.

This is a very typical exchange I have here :

User: I don’t like this color because it’s red.

Me: I don’t know, looks more like purple to me. What about red is bad?

User: Why don’t you fuck yourself in the face you fucking cuntfuck!

Me: OK…

Like, what gives? I don’t have this experience on other platforms. I have arguments but never this shutdown meccanism.

  • Rimu
    7 months ago

    You will need to block a bunch of people when you first join, or move to an instance that has already done that for you.

    … or use a platform that automatically hides comments that get lots of downvotes. I looked in your posting history - the comments you remarked about being angry didn’t even show up for me.

    … and filter out US politics & Israel politics. You’ll need an app/platform that lets you define filters, tho.

    • @[email protected]
      47 months ago

      Your filter may have hidden the fact that he posts a LOT on politics, political memes, and world news, and often gets extremely downvoted for what he says.

      • @TheFonzOP
        -47 months ago

        I have nothing against down votes.

        You’re doing it here too sort of. Your attacking me for asking this question.

        I have discussions on politics on other platforms and there is a substantial difference. That’s the crux of my question. Why?

        • @WindyRebel
          7 months ago

          You’re doing it here too sort of. You’re attacking me for asking this question.

          This is a weird response. I read the one above you that this was a reply to and no where were they “attacking” you. Maybe this is part of the problem is language? That word “attacking” is a pretty strong word considering what was actually said above which came across to me as an observation based on how they’ve seen you in threads.

          This isn’t me “attacking” you either. It’s an observation from someone randomly coming across this.

          • @TheFonzOP
            -27 months ago

            It was intended for the other user, sorry.

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          If you want to know why this platform reacts differently, it’s because it’s smaller, so you get noticed more easily. When you act calm and composed and “just ask questions” about why a mass murderer is called a mass murderer, people are more likely to notice.

          If a summary of your actions sounds like an attack, that’s a problem.

          • @TheFonzOP
            -37 months ago

            So. If I understand correctly, talking about charged topics is an automatic invitation for extreme vitriolic language? I don’t experience this elsewhere (if, fb) . It should be more vitriolic on fb than here… Not the other way around no?

            • @[email protected]
              17 months ago

              It kind of is. When someone has an extreme emotional reaction, you should look at what they’re reacting to before calling it unreasonable. Any defence of a mass murderer, no matter how civil it pretends to be, warrants an extreme backlash.

              Like I said, Lemmy is smaller. People don’t notice you on fb, but they notice you here.

              Just how many times are you going to ignore your own role in your conversations? You are the common thread among everyone who dislikes you.

              • @TheFonzOP
                -37 months ago

                But my point isn’t that people don’t disagree with me. I want to find disagreement because I don’t want to live in an echo chamber. I want to discuss ideas. Mi point is that the vitriol here seems stronger than other places. That’s all.

                • @[email protected]
                  7 months ago

                  Were you even responding to me? Because you disagreed with a point I didn’t make and raised a point in response to my answer of that point.

                  Don’t disagree for the sake of disagreement. The devil doesn’t need an advocate.

                  • @TheFonzOP
                    07 months ago

                    Sorry. I reread your previous comment. You make some good 'points.

                    I never intended to defend Kyle. And I can see why people would assume that. My messaging was very poor and I think people went straight to labeling we a Rittenhouse supporter. Given that the labeling persisted even after I clarified I’m not interested in defending Kyle. I understand it’s a charged topic and the rage blinders just come on right away. That kinda makes sense.

                    But then how do we talk about sensitive topics at all? Do we bury our heads in the sand?