I’m talking fingering, fellatio, penetration or hell even using a garloid. What is in general terms, the most sexually pleasurable handling one may give to a woman? Please let me know your thoughts and or experiences.

p.s. It probably depends on the woman but again, generally speaking.

  • @brygphilomena
    47 months ago

    In all my partners, it’s always been different. Some liked it when I was rough and threw them around. Others really enjoyed being eaten out. Almost all enjoyed fingering as foreplay. Some really, really enjoyed having their boobs played with. Another one wanted me to get angry and fuck her even when she said stop (she got really annoyed when I would listen to her and actually stop, but we were young and didn’t know what consensual non-consensual was, she didn’t tell me ahead of time, and we didn’t set up a safe word or establish the red-yellow-green system.)

    The woman I am with now, really gets off from praise. She loves it when I encourage her to do what feels good for her, when I remind her how sexy she is, when I tell her how much of a good girl she is, and when I tell her I love her.

    If you want a simple answer, the best I can say is to talk to the woman and find out what she enjoys and try that. Just remember that just because she enjoyed something with a precious partner doesn’t mean she will enjoy it with you. Sometimes you’ll meet a woman who doesn’t know what she likes. So try different things, encourage her to share any ideas or fantasies and try them. She might think something is sexy in her fantasy and find out it doesn’t live up to what she’s thinking.

    Oh! And it can change from sexy-time to sexy-time. So pay attention to how she reacts and do what she enjoys that day.