
  • Leo Vansteenkiste, Principal VFX Programmer
  • Edward Fuller, Senior Principal Systems Designer
  • Guillaume Gardella, Senior VFX Artist I
  • Francesco Litrico, VFX Programmer III


  • 4.0 will only have fire inside ships.
  • Fires start based on:
    • Damage (when ship item HP reaches 0).
    • When items with high level of wear misfire (random chance).
    • Weapon impact.
    • Warming the ship room to high enough temperature by opening the door on a warm planet for example (technically possible, there’s no planet hot enough for that to happen).
    • Bringing already burning items into a ship.
  • Fire propagation is based on fuel (surface), oxygen and temperature.
  • Every surface material has different properties that affect how quickly it burns.
  • Other objects like cargo or ship components can also catch on fire. Player can’t (but will take damage).
  • Fire will burn the oxygen to a point of asphyxiation.
  • Plenty of footage of using fire extinguisher.
  • Fire can restart if you don’t put it out properly.
  • Fire extinguishers have limited amount of “ammo”, you need to put them back to their storage stations to refill them. Recharge will not work if life support system is down.
  • Fires can be put out by removing oxygen from a burning room (turning of life support, opening doors in space).
  • Visual damage caused by fires has to be fixed at a proper repair location (station), manual repairs can only fix the functionality of destroyed items.
  • @Essence_of_MehOP
    23 months ago

    I was rather skeptical about forest fires initially but it could actually happen in a basic form, similar to Far Cry games - “hide” the grass, shrubs and leaves on trees, leave models as they are to avoid recalculating navigation meshes. It could work. On the other hand, if CIG doesn’t take into account player behavior (which is often the case) it could end up with planets burning non-stop so…

    I’m curious which ships will come with the fire propagation enabled. We’ve seen some but they did mention it’ll come for “most” ships rather than all of them (not surprising considering how old some of the models are).