A man taking his trash to an apartment dumpster was shot and killed after he slipped while walking and the gun he was carrying went off accidentally, according to San Antonio police.

  • @SulaymanF
    31 month ago

    Congress gave gun manufacturers immunity, so they don’t have to concern themselves with safety mechanisms or quality.

    • @Olhonestjim
      41 month ago

      That’s not what that meant.

      • @SulaymanF
        11 month ago

        Actually yes it had that effect. Without that immunity, the market would have felt the pressure and invested more into research into better gun locks etc. The immunity laws took away that incentive. Economists have discussed this issue at length about how the gun market is different than other markets due to this.

        • @Olhonestjim
          11 month ago

          Gun manufacturers have been building ever better internal safeties for decades. If a gun goes off from a slip and fall, somebody is carrying like an absolute idiot, or using an obsolete pistol.