• @rustyfish
    757 months ago

    Let’s make it smaller and put it into a backpack. We equip our soldiers with it and call them Chrono Legionnaires. They will be the most OP bull-fucking-shit units in the history of anything.

    Yes, I’m still salty for getting swarmed by them that one time in multiplayer. Fuck you, whoever came up with this.

    • Transporter Room 3
      237 months ago

      Yeah but you have to sneak them in close to the enemy base, otherwise they take their sweet-ass time rematerializing, and all 37 of them that you had spent several minutes of clicking to plan out who will attack what building get slaughtered without a single one firing their weapon.

      And if you miss all the “poof… Pooof… Poof…” right next to your base… You deserve it. Send a bunch of grunts or dogs in wherever they gather and they’ll all be dead long before you need to worry.

      I legitimately don’t like those units because they’re so weak and specialized, I never really get a chance to utilize them right

      • @rustyfish
        147 months ago

        This is 100% true. But I was a child. Those were my first steps into online gaming. Yes, I am aware it’s been over 20 years and I refuse to let go of the past.

        • Transporter Room 3
          87 months ago

          Oof. I feel that.

          My first foray into any gaming was Alpha Centauri. Had no idea what to do and my dad is shit at explaining anything. To this day I cannot stand the series or even turn-based strategy games.

          I think my first online experience was Left for Dead, and a teammate startled a witch within 30 seconds of starting the very first level. Instant hatred of witches and actively tried to dissuade people from messing with them.

          Nowadays I toss a pipe bomb ahead of myself while pumping away with my shotgun and half the time I down them before they can stand up fully. Mostly so I can traumatize my friends who are still on the hate train.

          Slightly related, I found out that unless you check the “limit superweapons” box in Generals, your opponent will likely just spam a shitload of superweapons, so it won’t matter that they suck at strategy, because they can just wait 5 minutes, click 20 times and have your entire base leveled.

    • NaibofTabr
      137 months ago

      Even better if you put them in IFVs - extra armor, faster movement and I think longer weapon range, and when the IFV eventually gets destroyed you still have a Chrono Legionnaire.