My tools serve me, not the other way around. It’s not worth the time and effort to wash by hand or sharpen on a whetstone. I don’t need an expensive knife to cook at home. A pull through sharpener and honing steel are adequate. Get the right material and you don’t have to worry about the metal in the dishwasher.

  • @[email protected]
    67 months ago

    I have some expensive ass knifes and i started to realise that i don’t use them too often just because they were expensive. My favourite knife is a victorinox knife that i sniped for 10 dollars. Second to that is a spiderco for 23 dollars. Both really good knifes

    • Scratch
      47 months ago

      Every kitchen should have a workhorse set of Victorinox, imo. Get a fancy knife to compliment that, if you like.