• @Katana314
    47 months ago

    I’m wondering how many of those responders might be teenage women thinking about the lure of having ten million dollars with an older hottie.

      • LustyArgonian
        7 months ago

        I wouldn’t have. And if you look at child stars like Amamda Bynes, who essentially made that deal, it’s not worth it. They are severely fucked up for life. What a weird, cavalier approach to the effects of sexual assault on children.

          • LustyArgonian
            17 months ago

            What was the age of the person you had sex with at 14?

            Do you not understand the concept of trauma and how it relates to sexual assault? Ever read The Body Keeps the Score? Maybe you didn’t make it unscathed. Maybe wanting to rape your 14 year old self for $10mil shows it did fuck you up.

              • LustyArgonian
                7 months ago

                I’d really recommend reading about PTSD and The Body Keeps the Score.

                Sometimes you need someone to say, “hey, that’s fucked up,” to give yourself permission to say it too. Sometimes we need people in our lives to say that. Especially about an adult having sex with a 14 year old.

                I get that’s what you’d choose. I still think that’s fucked up and you are ignorant to those effects, which are cognitively the same as torture. I don’t think YOU are fucked up though, just that thought is fucked up. I’m sorry I said it like that.

                Look at Amanda Bynes now. She doesn’t have money anymore - she’s going to school to be a nail salon lady. Do you genuinely think she’s better off now than you are now? I think she’s under conservatorship and forced to take psychiatric meds. I wouldn’t trade lives with her.

                  • LustyArgonian
                    7 months ago

                    I’m not projecting. There’s science that shows this is what happens. I doubt you are a magical exception that proves that raping 14 year olds is actually okay for them. I think being okay with that shows you are affected by it. But I’m not really interested in provoking your trauma more. I do vehemently disagree and find that position to be gross at minimum and a red flag for your kids’ safety at maximum. It’s a very concerning belief.